
32 lines
813 B

type: section
id: offre
lang: en
image: /assets/images/home/offres.svg
order: 1
quickTitle: My offers
quickImage: /assets/images/home/icon-desktop.svg
## Full website offer.
### Small website, blog, landing page…
Whether it's a creation or a redesign, I can handle everything:
- custom development;
- configuration of a content management system (if needed);
- hosting and deploying;
- maintenance.
### Bigger websites, e-commerce.
When the project is larger, I call on talented partners who share the same values:
- [Rose Primaire]( for the monitoring and management of the project;
- [Sylvain Plantier]( and/or [Benoît Etchevery]( for illustration and art direction.
[See some work here!](/en/work/)