import { z, defineCollection } from "astro:content"; const articles = defineCollection({ schema: z.object({ title: z.string(), subtitle: z.string(), lang: z.enum(["fr", "en"]), tags: z.array(z.string()), // An array of strings // Parse pubDate as a browser-standard `Date` object createdAt: z.string().transform((str) => new Date(str)), updatedAt: z .string() .transform((str) => new Date(str)) .optional(), code: z.boolean().optional() || false, draft: z.boolean().optional() || false, }), }); const fragments = defineCollection({ schema: z.object({ title: z.string(), subtitle: z.string(), lang: z.enum(["fr", "en"]), tags: z.array(z.string()), // An array of strings // Parse pubDate as a browser-standard `Date` object createdAt: z.string().transform((str) => new Date(str)), updatedAt: z .string() .transform((str) => new Date(str)) .optional(), code: z.boolean().optional() || false, draft: z.boolean().optional() || false, }), }); export const collections = { // Don't forget 'quotes' for collection names containing dashes articles, fragments, };