{ "accueil": "home", "tagline": "Freelance web developer specialized in accessibility.", "copyright": "(re)Made with Astro", "contact": { "title": "contact", "email": "Send me an email (open in application).", "tel": "Call or text me (open in application).", "contenuVide": "Soon: really nice content." }, "header": { "skipLink": "Skip to content", "mainNav": "Main menu", "homeLink": "Back to homepage" }, "sitemap": "Site map", "prevNext": { "contenus": "Similar content", "precedent": "Previous", "suivant": "Next" }, "article": { "titre": "articles", "tagline": "I blog, sometimes.", "published": "Published on {datetime|date(options)}" }, "meta": { "publication": "Published on", "modification": "Last updated on", "credit": "Image by" }, "fragments": { "titre": "snippets", "tagline": "School with Nicool." }, "references": { "titre": "work", "slug": "work", "cta": "Visit website", "tagline": "Some work." }, "veille": { "titre": "Around the web", "tagline": "Some links that interested me." }, "erreur": { "introuvable": "Sorry, page not found.", "autre": "Oups… sorry about that.", "lienRetour": "Back to the home page" }, "seo": { "meta": { "description": "Web developer specialized in accessibility and eco-design in Toulouse, France. Development of custom websites, RGAA compliance, maintenance, etc." }, "article": { "title": "Articles", "description": "A few articles about graphic design and front-end development." }, "code": { "title": "Snippets", "description": "Snippets of fresh, easy and accessible code." }, "references": { "title": "Work", "description": "A few case studies I worked on as a front-end developer." } } }