new HP design + content, new references, fixed styles, fixed i18n
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
type DefaultLangCode = "fr"
type SupportedLangCode = "en"
type LangCode = DefaultLangCode | SupportedLangCode
type RouteUri = | "/articles/[slug]" | "/articles" | "/agments/[slug]" | "/agments" | "/references" | "/veille" | "/" | "/plan-du-site"
type RouteParams = {"/articles/[slug]": { "slug": string; }; "/articles": undefined; "/agments/[slug]": { "slug": string; }; "/agments": undefined; "/references": undefined; "/veille": undefined; "/": undefined; "/plan-du-site": undefined; }
type RouteUri = | "/articles/[slug]" | "/articles" | "/agments/[slug]" | "/agments" | "/offres/web-classique" | "/references" | "/veille" | "/" | "/plan-du-site"
type RouteParams = {"/articles/[slug]": { "slug": string; }; "/articles": undefined; "/agments/[slug]": { "slug": string; }; "/agments": undefined; "/offres/web-classique": undefined; "/references": undefined; "/veille": undefined; "/": undefined; "/plan-du-site": undefined; }
type TranslationPath = "accueil" | "tagline" | "copyright" | "contact.title" | "" | "" | "contenuVide" | "header.skipLink" | "header.mainNav" | "header.homeLink" | "sitemap" | "prevNext.contenus" | "prevNext.precedent" | "prevNext.suivant" | "article.titre" | "article.tagline" | "article.published" | "meta.publication" | "meta.modification" | "" | "fragments.titre" | "fragments.tagline" | "references.titre" | "references.slug" | "references.cta" | "references.tagline" | "veille.titre" | "veille.tagline" | "erreur.introuvable" | "erreur.autre" | "erreur.lienRetour" | "seo.meta.description" | "seo.article.title" | "seo.article.description" | "seo.code.title" | "seo.code.description" | "seo.references.title" | "seo.references.description" | "index.articles.pageName" | "index.articles.subtitle" | "index.fragments.pageName" | "index.fragments.subtitle" | "index.references.pageName" | "index.references.subtitle" | "index.veille.pageName" | "index.veille.subtitle" | "index.title" | "index.subtitle" | "index.quoi" | "index.comment" | "index.opensource" | "index.writing" | "index.latestProjects" | "index.latestArticles" | "index.allProjects" | "index.allArticles" | "index.latestSnippets" | "index.allSnippets" | "index.toc" | "contact.contenuVide"
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@ -198,7 +198,293 @@ declare module 'astro:content' {
type ContentEntryMap = {
"articles": {
"en/": {
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body: string;
collection: "articles";
data: any
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"en/": {
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data: any
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"en/after-effects-expressions.mdx": {
id: "en/after-effects-expressions.mdx";
slug: "en/after-effects-expressions";
body: string;
collection: "articles";
data: any
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"en/": {
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body: string;
collection: "articles";
data: any
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"en/": {
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"en/sci-hub-blocage.mdx": {
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"en/the-day-I-jamd.mdx": {
id: "en/the-day-I-jamd.mdx";
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body: string;
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data: any
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"en/video-compression.mdx": {
id: "en/video-compression.mdx";
slug: "en/video-compression";
body: string;
collection: "articles";
data: any
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"fr/": {
id: "fr/";
slug: "fr/2022";
body: string;
collection: "articles";
data: any
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"fr/": {
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body: string;
collection: "articles";
data: any
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"fr/": {
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body: string;
collection: "articles";
data: any
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"fr/": {
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data: any
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"fr/sci-hub-blocage.mdx": {
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"fr/the-day-I-jamd.mdx": {
id: "fr/the-day-I-jamd.mdx";
slug: "fr/the-day-i-jamd";
body: string;
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data: any
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"fr/": {
id: "fr/";
slug: "fr/video-compression";
body: string;
collection: "articles";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"fragments": {
"en/": {
id: "en/";
slug: "en/acme-sh-tls-cert";
body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"en/": {
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body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"en/": {
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body: string;
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data: any
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"en/image-full.mdx": {
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body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
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"en/": {
id: "en/";
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body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"en/": {
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slug: "en/super-cookies";
body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"en/": {
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body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"en/": {
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body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"fr/": {
id: "fr/";
slug: "fr/acme-sh-tls-cert";
body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"fr/": {
id: "fr/";
slug: "fr/array-vs-array";
body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"fr/buttons.mdx": {
id: "fr/buttons.mdx";
slug: "fr/buttons";
body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
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"fr/image-full.mdx": {
id: "fr/image-full.mdx";
slug: "fr/image-full";
body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
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"fr/": {
id: "fr/";
slug: "fr/nuxt-graphql-static";
body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"fr/super-cookies.mdx": {
id: "fr/super-cookies.mdx";
slug: "fr/super-cookies";
body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".mdx"] };
"fr/": {
id: "fr/";
slug: "fr/toulouse-fun";
body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"fr/": {
id: "fr/";
slug: "fr/visited-links";
body: string;
collection: "fragments";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"references": {
"en/": {
id: "en/";
slug: "en/3w";
body: string;
collection: "references";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"en/": {
id: "en/";
slug: "en/natureo";
body: string;
collection: "references";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"en/": {
id: "en/";
slug: "en/parole-expression";
body: string;
collection: "references";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"en/": {
id: "en/";
slug: "en/rose-primaire";
body: string;
collection: "references";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"fr/": {
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slug: "fr/3w";
body: string;
collection: "references";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"fr/": {
id: "fr/";
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body: string;
collection: "references";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"fr/": {
id: "fr/";
slug: "fr/parole-expression";
body: string;
collection: "references";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"fr/": {
id: "fr/";
slug: "fr/rose-primaire";
body: string;
collection: "references";
data: any
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
type DataEntryMap = {
@ -9,35 +9,33 @@ const isReference = routeName === t("references.slug");
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class="clean-link card__link"
) : (
<ListTags list={} />
isReference && (
<a href={} rel="noopener noreferer">
<span class="sr-only"> {}</span>
!isReference ? (
class="clean-link card__link"
) : (
<ListTags list={} />
isReference && (
<a href={} rel="noopener noreferer">
<span class="sr-only"> {}</span>
<style scoped>
<style define:vars={{ permalink: }}>
.card {
padding: var(--space-s-m) var(--space-xs-s);
position: relative;
@ -125,6 +123,9 @@ const isReference = routeName === t("references.slug");
.card::after {
transition: opacity ease 0.2s, transform ease 0.2s;
.card--link {
view-transition-name: var(--permalink);
h3 a {
transition: color ease 0.2s;
@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
import { renderContent } from "astro-i18n";
// import { renderContent } from "astro-i18n";
import MetaDate from "./MetaDate.astro";
import TOC from "./TOC.astro";
const { content } = Astro.props;
// const { Content, headings } = await content.render();
const { html, headings } = await renderContent(Astro, content);
const { Content, headings } = await content.render();
// const { html, headings } = await renderContent(Astro, content);
const toc = => {
return heading;
if ( {
import "../styles/vendor/one-dark-pro.css";
import "../styles/vendor/one-dark-pro.css";
<div class="sidebar region">
@ -22,13 +20,17 @@ if ( {
<p class="h3">{}</p>
<MetaDate item={} />
<div class="flow content" set:html={html}>
<!-- <Content /> -->
<!-- <div class="flow content" set:html={html}> -->
<Content />
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@media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
article {
view-transition-name: var(--permalink);
.sidebar {
--gutter: var(--space-xs-m);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import { t } from "astro-i18n";
const { pageTitle } = Astro.props;
<meta charset="utf-8" />
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<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>{pageTitle} - Nicolas Arduin</title>
<meta name="description" content={t("seo.meta.description")} />
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow." />
<meta name="author" content="Nicolas Arduin" />
<meta name="subject" content="Développement de sites web, accessibilité." />
<meta name="view-transition" content="same-origin" />
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ const { item } = Astro.props;
text-align: center;
gap: var(--space-xs);
cursor: pointer;
background-color: var(--color-light-blue);
background-color: var(--color-white);
transform: translateY(0);
.card:focus-within {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Nico v2.0
subtitle: 2022 update of many things.
lang: en
slug: "2022"
permalink: "2022"
excerpt: Changes in my services, the website and myself.
tags: ["Freelance"]
type: articles
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Nico v2.5
subtitle: Update 2023.
lang: en
slug: "2023"
permalink: "2023"
excerpt: New changes.
tags: ["Freelance"]
type: articles
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: After Effects Expressions
subtitle: Animation on steroïds.
lang: en
slug: "after-effects-expressions"
permalink: "after-effects-expressions"
excerpt: Expressions in After Effects have always been blurry for me. I know they exist, I know they're powerful, I know it could save a lot of time and clean complex keyframe filled compositions but… They are hard to learn!
tags: ["Design"]
type: articles
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Accessibility and sobriety
subtitle: Translation in progress, stay tuned ;)
lang: en
slug: "faq"
permalink: "faq"
draft: true
excerpt: Why, how et and especially what.
tags: ["Freelance"]
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Gratuiste
subtitle: Translation in progress, stay tuned ;)
lang: en
slug: "gratuiste"
permalink: "gratuiste"
draft: true
excerpt: Translation in progress, stay tuned ;)
tags: ["Design", "Freelance"]
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Access blocked Sci-hub"
subtitle: "The science of sharing."
lang: en
slug: "sci-hub-unblock"
permalink: "sci-hub-unblock"
key: "scihub"
excerpt: "In March 2019, the Paris Regional Court ruled in favour of the publishers of scientific articles Elsevier and Springer Nature by ordering internet service providers to block access to these two websites. Here is how to access them if they are blocked in your country anyway."
tags: ["Internet", "Science"]
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: The day I Jam’d
subtitle: A story of unusual tools and fun gambles.
lang: en
slug: "the-day-I-jamd"
permalink: "the-day-I-jamd"
excerpt: Ooh, yeah! All right! We’re jammin’
tags: ["Dev", "Jamstack"]
type: articles
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Video compression
subtitle: Encode like you mean it.
lang: en
slug: "video-compression"
permalink: "video-compression"
excerpt: How to gain precious weight when encoding videos.
tags: ["Design"]
type: articles
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Nico v2.0
subtitle: Mise à jour 2022 de plein de trucs.
lang: fr
slug: "2022"
permalink: "2022"
excerpt: Évolution des services, du site et de moi-même.
tags: ["Freelance"]
type: articles
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Nico v2.5
subtitle: Mise à jour 2023.
lang: fr
slug: "2023"
permalink: "2023"
excerpt: Suite des évolutions.
tags: ["Freelance"]
type: articles
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: After Effects Expressions
subtitle: En cours de traduction, revenez bientôt ;)
lang: fr
draft: true
slug: "after-effects-expressions"
permalink: "after-effects-expressions"
excerpt: En cours de traduction, revenez bientôt ;)
tags: ["Design"]
type: articles
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Accessibilité, sobriété et F.A.Q.
subtitle: Explications sur ma vision et mon fonctionnement.
lang: fr
slug: "faq"
permalink: "faq"
excerpt: Pourquoi, comment et surtout quèsaco.
tags: ["Freelance"]
type: articles
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Gratuiste"
subtitle: "Ou le travail gratuit."
lang: fr
slug: "gratuiste"
permalink: "gratuiste"
excerpt: "J’ai cherché un moyen de mettre mes compétences au service d’autrui et je pense avoir trouvé: je vais travailler gratuitement pour des associations."
tags: ["Graphisme", "Freelance"]
type: articles
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Sci-hub bloqué, comment contourner"
subtitle: "La science du partage."
lang: fr
slug: "sci-hub-blocage"
permalink: "sci-hub-blocage"
excerpt: "Le tribunal de grande instance de Paris a ordonné aux fournisseurs d’accès à internet de bloquer l’accès à sci-hub. Voici comment contourner les blocages mis en place."
tags: ["Internet", "Science"]
type: articles
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: The day I Jam’d
subtitle: Des paris, des outils et du fun.
lang: fr
slug: "the-day-I-jamd"
permalink: "the-day-I-jamd"
excerpt: Ooh, yeah! All right! We’re jammin’
tags: ["Dev", "Jamstack"]
type: articles
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Compression vidéo
subtitle: En cours de traduction, revenez bientôt ;)
lang: fr
draft: true
slug: "video-compression"
permalink: "video-compression"
excerpt: Pas encore traduit
tags: ["Design"]
type: articles
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ const articles = defineCollection({
lang: z.enum(["fr", "en"]),
tags: z.array(z.string()), // An array of strings
type: z.string(),
permalink: z.string(),
// Parse pubDate as a browser-standard `Date` object
createdAt: z.string().transform((str) => new Date(str)),
updatedAt: z
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ const fragments = defineCollection({
lang: z.enum(["fr", "en"]),
tags: z.array(z.string()), // An array of strings
type: z.string(),
permalink: z.string(),
// Parse pubDate as a browser-standard `Date` object
createdAt: z.string().transform((str) => new Date(str)),
updatedAt: z
@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ const references = defineCollection({
subtitle: z.string(),
url: z.string(),
lang: z.enum(["fr", "en"]),
permalink: z.string(),
tags: z.array(z.string()), // An array of strings
// Parse pubDate as a browser-standard `Date` object
createdAt: z.string().transform((str) => new Date(str)),
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Strong TLS certificates with
subtitle: 384-bit of https
lang: en
slug: "acme-sh-tls-cert"
permalink: "acme-sh-tls-cert"
createdAt: "2022-06-08T14:24:06.000Z"
excerpt: Real cert have curves.
tags: ["security"]
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Filter an array against another array
subtitle: Array vs Array.
lang: en
slug: "array-vs-array"
permalink: "array-vs-array"
createdAt: "2022-06-08T14:24:06.000Z"
excerpt: My peak javascript
tags: ["nuxt.js"]
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Buttons hover
subtitle: Simple, but nice.
lang: en
slug: "buttons"
permalink: "buttons"
draft: true
excerpt: Easy to grab and use hover effects.
tags: ["CSS"]
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Full width image
subtitle: Translation in progress, stay tuned ;)
lang: en
draft: true
slug: "image-full"
permalink: "image-full"
createdAt: "2020-09-15T09:00:00.000Z"
updatedAt: "2022-06-08T14:24:06.000Z"
tags: ["CSS"]
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Static website and GraphQL queries with Nuxt.js
subtitle: Graphql client is king.
lang: en
slug: "nuxt-graphql-static"
permalink: "nuxt-graphql-static"
createdAt: "2022-06-08T14:24:06.000Z"
updatedAt: "2022-09-08T13:43:33.000Z"
excerpt: When the most used gql module doesn't work…
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ export default {
const locale = app.i18n.localeProperties.iso
const data = await $graphql.default.request(articleQuery, {
code: locale,
slug: params.slug,
permalink: params.slug,
return { data }
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: The best cookies
subtitle: Consentless biscuits.
lang: en
slug: "super-cookies"
permalink: "super-cookies"
createdAt: "2022-06-08T14:24:06.000Z"
excerpt: It's a real recipe, not a joke about annoying files.
tags: ["food"]
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Toulouse yourself
subtitle: Only the bestest
lang: en
slug: "toulouse-fun"
permalink: "toulouse-fun"
excerpt: Gonna have to trust me on this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
tags: ["lifestyle"]
type: snippets
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: Visited links and visuel aid
subtitle: Translation in progress, stay tuned ;)
lang: en
draft: true
permalink: "visited-links"
excerpt: Petit hack CSS
tags: ["Front-end"]
type: snippets
createdAt: "2023-06-06T18:34:00.000Z"
[Go back to available snippets](/en/snippets)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Certificates TLS robustes avec
subtitle: 384-bit de https
lang: fr
slug: "acme-sh-tls-cert"
permalink: "acme-sh-tls-cert"
createdAt: "2022-06-08T14:24:06.000Z"
excerpt: La sécurité avec des courbes.
tags: ["sécurité"]
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Filtrer un array avec un autre array
subtitle: En cours de traduction.
lang: fr
draft: true
slug: "array-vs-array"
permalink: "array-vs-array"
createdAt: "2022-06-08T14:24:06.000Z"
excerpt: En cours de traduction.
tags: ["nuxt.js"]
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Effets de survol de boutons"
subtitle: "Simples mais efficaces."
lang: fr
slug: "buttons"
permalink: "buttons"
draft: true
excerpt: Quelques effets de survol faciles à récupérer et utiliser.
tags: ["CSS"]
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Image pleine largeur
subtitle: Casser le conteneur.
lang: fr
slug: "image-full"
permalink: "image-full"
createdAt: "2020-09-15T09:00:00.000Z"
updatedAt: "2022-06-08T14:24:06.000Z"
excerpt: Faire déborder une image de son conteneur sans tout casser.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Site statique et requêtes GraphQL avec Nuxt.js
subtitle: Le client graphql est roi.
lang: fr
slug: "nuxt-graphql-static"
permalink: "nuxt-graphql-static"
createdAt: "2022-06-08T14:24:06.000Z"
updatedAt: "2022-09-08T13:43:33.000Z"
excerpt: Quand le module gql le plus utilisé ne fonctionne pas…
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ export default {
const locale = app.i18n.localeProperties.iso
const data = await $graphql.default.request(articleQuery, {
code: locale,
slug: params.slug,
permalink: params.slug,
return { data }
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Les meilleurs cookies
subtitle: Des gâteaux sans consentement.
lang: fr
slug: "super-cookies"
permalink: "super-cookies"
createdAt: "2022-06-08T14:24:06.000Z"
excerpt: C'est vraiment une recette hein, pas une blague sur les fichiers temporaires.
tags: ["cuisine"]
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Toulouse yourself
subtitle: En cours de traduction.
lang: fr
draft: true
slug: "toulouse-fun"
permalink: "toulouse-fun"
createdAt: "2022-06-22T15:34:45.000Z"
excerpt: En cours de traduction.
tags: ["lifestyle"]
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Liens visités et indication visuelle
subtitle: Comment différencier les liens déjà cliqués
lang: fr
draft: false
slug: "visited-links"
permalink: "visited-links"
excerpt: Petit hack CSS
tags: ["Front-end"]
type: snippets
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 3w
subtitle: I wrote the doc!
lang: en
slug: "3w"
permalink: "3w"
excerpt: Développement web et compagnie.
tags: ["Front-end", "docs"]
createdAt: "2022-10-19T18:02:00.000Z"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Nature en Occitanie
subtitle: Sobriety is only natural.
lang: en
slug: "natureo"
permalink: "natureo"
excerpt: Développement web et compagnie.
tags: ["Front-end", "accessibility", "sobriety", "CMS"]
createdAt: "2023-04-19T18:02:00.000Z"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Parole Expression
subtitle: A new website for the association.
lang: en
slug: "parole-expression"
permalink: "parole-expression"
excerpt: Développement web et compagnie.
tags: ["Front-end", "sobriety", "CMS"]
createdAt: "2022-04-19T17:11:00.000Z"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Rose Primaire
subtitle: An agency we love.
lang: en
slug: "rose-primaire"
permalink: "rose-primaire"
excerpt: Web dev and other things.
tags: ["Front-end", "accessibility", "sobriety", "CMS"]
createdAt: "2023-04-19T17:11:00.000Z"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 3w
subtitle: J'ai fait de la doc!
lang: fr
slug: "3w"
permalink: "3w"
excerpt: Développement web et compagnie.
tags: ["Front-end", "documentation"]
createdAt: "2022-10-19T18:02:00.000Z"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Nature en Occitanie
subtitle: La sobriété au naturel.
lang: fr
slug: "natureo"
permalink: "natureo"
excerpt: Développement web et compagnie.
tags: ["Front-end", "accessibilité", "éco-conception", "CMS"]
createdAt: "2023-04-19T18:02:00.000Z"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Parole Expression
subtitle: Un nouveau site pour l'association.
lang: fr
slug: parole-expression
permalink: parole-expression
excerpt: Développement web et compagnie.
tags: ["Front-end", "éco-conception", "CMS"]
createdAt: "2022-04-19T17:11:00.000Z"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Rose Primaire
subtitle: Une agence comme on l'aime.
lang: fr
slug: "rose-primaire"
permalink: "rose-primaire"
excerpt: Développement web et compagnie.
tags: ["Front-end", "accessibilité", "éco-conception", "CMS"]
createdAt: "2023-04-19T17:11:00.000Z"
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
type: section
id: offre
lang: en
image: /assets/images/home/offre-1.1.svg
order: 1
quickTitle: My offers
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
type: section
id: methodology
lang: en
image: /assets/images/home/methodo.svg
order: 2
quickTitle: My methodology
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
type: section
id: about
lang: en
image: /assets/images/home/about.svg
order: 3
quickTitle: Me
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ Cette offre est destinée à un public souhaitant **se doter d'un site web**, sa
L'objectif principal de cette offre étant d'**établir une présence en ligne** pour le client. Que cette dernière ait un but informatif et/ou éditorial.
<a href="/offres/web-classique" class="btn">L'offre classique en détails</a>
<!-- <a href="/offres/web-classique" class="btn">L'offre classique en détails</a> -->
@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ Lorsque le projet le nécessite, je fais appel à des partenaires talentueux par
- [Rose Primaire]( pour le conseil et l'accompagnement du projet ;
- [Sylvain Plantier]( et/ou [Benoît Etchevery]( pour l'illustration et la direction artistique.
<a href="/offres/accessibilite" class="btn">L'offre accessibilité en détails</a>
<!-- <a href="/offres/accessibilite" class="btn">L'offre accessibilité en détails</a> -->
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,27 +1,18 @@
import { t, astroI18n } from "astro-i18n";
import { astroI18n } from "astro-i18n";
import "../styles/style.css";
import Head from "../components/Head.astro";
import Header from "../components/Header.astro";
import Footer from "../components/Footer.astro";
const { pageTitle, titleColor } = Astro.props;
const { pageTitle } = Astro.props;
<html lang={astroI18n.langCode} dir="ltr">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/favicon.svg" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>{pageTitle} - Nicolas Arduin</title>
<meta name="description" content={t("seo.meta.description")} />
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow." />
<meta name="author" content="Nicolas Arduin" />
<meta name="subject" content="Développement de sites web, accessibilité." />
<Head pageTitle={pageTitle} />
<div class="wrapper">
<Header />
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export const getStaticPaths = createStaticPaths(async ({ langCode }) => {
return data.lang === langCode;
return => ({
params: { slug: article.slug },
params: { slug: },
props: { article },
}, import.meta.url);
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export async function get(context) {
// Compute RSS link from post `slug`
// This example assumes all posts are rendered as `/blog/[slug]` routes
link: `/en/${}/${post.slug}/`,
link: `/en/${}/${}/`,
// (optional) inject custom xml
customData: `<language>en-us</language>`,
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export const getStaticPaths = createStaticPaths(async ({ langCode }) => {
return data.lang === langCode;
return => ({
params: { slug: snippet.slug },
params: { slug: },
props: { snippet },
}, import.meta.url);
@ -3,13 +3,10 @@
import { l, t, astroI18n } from "astro-i18n";
import { getEntry } from "astro:content";
// import stuff
import BaseLayout from "../layouts/BaseLayout.astro";
import QuickAccessCard from "../components/QuickAccessCard.astro";
import ListCards from "../components/ListCards.astro";
import CardEditorial from "../components/CardEditorial.astro";
const pageTitle = t("accueil");
@ -73,7 +70,7 @@ const localizedReferences = await getCollection("references", ({ data }) => {
<div class="section__reference">
list={localizedReferences.filter((ref) => {
return ref.slug === section.frontmatter.reference;
return === section.frontmatter.reference;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export async function get(context) {
// Compute RSS link from post `slug`
// This example assumes all posts are rendered as `/blog/[slug]` routes
link: `/${}/${post.slug}/`,
link: `/${}/${}/`,
// (optional) inject custom xml
customData: `<language>fr-fr</language>`,
@ -19,13 +19,6 @@
font-style: normal;
font-display: swap;
@font-face {
font-family: "recoleta";
src: url("../../fonts/recoleta/Recoleta-SemiBold.woff2") format("woff2");
font-weight: 600;
font-style: normal;
font-display: swap;
* reduces Cumulative Layout Shift
@ -126,9 +126,6 @@ ol:not([role="list"]) > li + li {
color: var(--color-blue);
background-color: var(--color-white);
.btn:visited {
color: var(--color-white);
button[disabled] {
cursor: not-allowed;
@ -228,11 +225,3 @@ blockquote code {
.content pre[class*="language-"] {
white-space: pre-wrap;
/* .astro-code .filename {
margin: 0.5rem 0;
display: block;
font-family: var(--font-code);
font-size: 1.4rem;
text-align: right;
} */
@ -123,7 +123,17 @@ a:not([class]) {
/* Make it clear that interactive elements are interactive */
:where(a[href], area, button, input, label[for], select, summary, textarea, [tabindex]:not([tabindex*="-"])) {
) {
cursor: pointer;
touch-action: manipulation;
@ -145,11 +155,17 @@ a:not([class]) {
:where(:not(:active)):focus-visible {
outline-offset: 5px;
outline-offset: 2px;
/* Make sure users can't select button text */
:where(button, button[type], input[type="button"], input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"]),
button,< |