[ { "name": "Anneke Blackburn", "link": "https://researchers.anu.edu.au/researchers/blackburn-ac", "description": "Associate Professor at the Department of Cancer Biology and Therapy, John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University." }, { "name": "Geoffrey Siwo", "link": "https://www.siworesearch.com/", "description": "Research Assistant Professor at the Center for Research Computing & Eck Institute for Global Health, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA" }, { "name": "Marc-Aurèle Chay", "link": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/marc-aur%C3%A8le-marcus-chay-b16793a1/", "description": "3rd year medical student at McGill University in Montreal. Did a Masters in human genetics before getting interested in global health." }, { "name": "Spark Yaddav", "link": "http://ca.linkedin.com/in/spark-y", "description": "Molecular Biology, Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics Researcher. CRI-affiliate. Previously: Researcher at SciLifeLab, KI, Stockholm, Sweden and Bionanoscience, TU Delft, The Netherlands." }, { "name": "Anirudh Krishnakumar", "description": "PhD student at the INSERM U1284 unit at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Paris & the Child Mind Institute, New York." }, { "name": "Bastian Greshake Tzovaras", "link": "https://tzovar.as", "description": "Research fellow at the INSERM U1284 unit at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Paris and Director of Research / freelance consultant for OpenHumans.org." }, { "name": "Mad Price Ball", "link": "http://www.madpriceball.net/", "description": "Executive Director & Co-Founder of OpenHumans.org and started quantifiedflu.org with Bastian Greshake Tzovaras." }, { "name": "Ariel B. Lindner", "link": "https://research.cri-paris.org/profile?id=c764de6f-735c-4164-beb7-6ec12e99a40c", "description": "Co-Founder & Research Director at the INSERM U1284 unit at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Paris" }, { "name": "Natalia Norori", "link": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/natalianorori/", "description": "Medical Student. She also works for Open Access Button, a non-profit project that helps people get access to research." }, { "name": "Bastien Cohin", "description": "Medical student at the Université de Caen-Normandie, he is concurrently doing a masters in Biology-Health." }, { "name": "Kseniia Konishcheva", "link": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/kkonishcheva42/", "description": "Life Sciences Master's student, intern at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Paris & the Child Mind Institute, New York." }, { "name": "Alice Motion", "link": "https://www.sydney.edu.au/science/about/our-people/academic-staff/alice-motion.html", "description": "Associate Professor at the School of Chemistry, University of Sydney, Australia. Director of SCOPE Research Group, CRI Research Fellow 2019." }, { "name": "Nico Arduin", "link": "https://www.nardu.in/", "description": "Freelance web designer and developer. Contributes to open source projects on the side." } ]