## Demo of how Open Humans to OpenClinica workflow can work ### Install Assumes you have a basic understanding of how Django, `pipenv`, & `heroku` work: - `pipenv install` - `pipenv shell` - `heroku local:run python manage.py migrate` - `heroku local` Web-server should be up on `` ### Setup Copy the `env.sample` as `.env` and fill in the missing bits. Required: - An Open Humans project - Having a _Participate_ enabled Open Clinica survey and the corresponding token to add participants etc. Demo deployment runs on https://opensurveytest.herokuapp.com/ Logging in with Open Humans will: - Create Open Clinica participant - Schedule first survey for them - Get participant access survey_token - Email this via Open Humans to just registered participant ### Design dev Assumes you have a basic understanding of how node and yarn/npm work. Node version used: 12.16.1 We use [PostCSS](https://github.com/postcss/postcss) to enhance browser compatibility, accessibility and preformances. A `package.json` and a `postcss.config.js` config file exist at the document root. Add or remove plugin from there. In order to edit the styles, you need to: - run `yarn install` or `npm i` - edit the styles in `src > css > parts` - run `yarn watch` or `npm run watch` while in developement (watches the changes) - run `yarn build` or `npm run dev` for production The optimized and minified style file is under `static > css` ### Translations / i18n #### Activate a new language To activate a new language edit the **LANGUAGES** setting in **settings.py** ``` LANGUAGES = [ ('en', _('English')), ('fr', _('French')), ('de', _('German')), ] ``` You need to do this first before translating because the language name itself needs to be translated. #### Add a new language To add a new language simply add a new directory in /locale with the language code as name, for example: **/locale/fr** for french. Then to generate the translation files run: `python manage.py makemessages` It will create **django.po** files inside each /\/LC_MESSAGES directory. You can edit these files directly with any text editor or specialized software / web application. Once the translations are complete, to generate the binary files optimized for consumption by Django, run: `python manage.py compilemessages` It will create **django.mo** files inside each /\/LC_MESSAGES directory.