# OpenMole landing page redesign _The new and improved design of the OpenMole landing page._ > This repository is still under active development. ## Tools Built using [11ty (eleventy)](https://www.11ty.io/) as a static site generator and [nunjucks](https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/) as a templating format. Trying my best to uphold [BEM CSS](https://css-tricks.com/bem-101/) methodology. ## Usage Clone this repo using `git clone ssh://git@gitlab.openmole.org:20022/narduin/refonte-hp.git` Install node modules. Working with node version **10.11** and later. `yarn install` _(or `npm install`)_ Run and live reload with browsersync `yarn watch` _(or `npm run watch`)_ Build in _dist_ folder with `yarn build` _(or `npm run build`)_